Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Have A Burden Lifted Off Of Me - 873 Words

Looking towards my future, which entails four plus years of college, I can say I have a burden lifted off of me. At the start of this year going into duel enrollment I knew it was going to be a lot of writing, and it was; it was way more then I even expected. Every paper we were assigned was different and I have been able to find my strengths and weaknesses while going through this class. With the amount of papers we were given and me personally getting used to writing a five page paper I am not scared of writing, prior to this class I hated and even feared writing but now I am not scared (I now can pump out a five page paper in a matter of hours which use to take days) and depending on the kind of paper, and what it is on I have found some enjoyment in writing. For my portfolio I wanted to start out with my very first paper assigned to us, my narrative which I wrote on my trip to Honduras. You gave me a very good grade on it but it is by far my best paper, I wanted to put it in her e to show where I started and how far my writing has come from being a high school level writer to becoming a college level one. This paper was on one moment in my life that I will never forget and a moment that had a dramatic impact on my life. For that reason I had a lot of fun writing about it and telling you how it affected me. Along with my final copy I added in my smarthinking report, I think having this beside my final helps show the huge transition in my writing from rough draft toShow MoreRelatedThe Difference Between Eritrea And The United States902 Words   |  4 PagesI’ve lived in places where healthcare was inaccessible, where doctors were not fully equipped with the tools necessary to preform regular checkups, and where people died chilling deaths from misdiagnoses or lack there of. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Frederick Douglas And Solomon Northrup Essay - 1499 Words

Throughout the years slaveholders made claims that justified why the institution of slavery was acceptable, however, many abolitionist made claims that differed the majority opinion. Abolitionist began to publicize stories advocating truths about this institution. Fredrick Douglas and Solomon Northrup shared their life stories where they exposed their experiences as slaves in the Southern world.Slaves holders make several arguments to justify slavery, meanwhile, slaves themselves completely disagree with all the things the masters claim. Violence versus paternalism, true christianity and hypocritical christianity, and the role knowledge and ignorance and whether slaves are truly happily plays are all powerful ideas in both sides convey . To begin with, slave masters thought of themselves as a paternal figure. George Fizhugh, an author who advocates slavery, explains this interesting concept of Blacks being viewed as childlike people. He states â€Å"the Negro is but a grown up chil d, and must be governed as child, not as lunatic or criminal. The master occupies toward him the place of parent or guardian†. The masters truly believed that they were meant to be paternal to these underprivileged folks who did not have (and in some cases, know) parents or families. They believed they were meant to raise and care for the Blacks that entered their plantations. However, slaves told a different story. Fredrick Douglass and Solomon Northup’s experiences show how brutal and violentShow MoreRelatedSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words   |  140 PagesAndroid Apps, 1st Edition_Corinne Hoisington (TB+Exerise Solutions) Animal Physiology From Genes to Organisms, 2nd Edition _Lauralee Sherwood, Hillar Klandorf, Paul Yancey (TB) Applications and Investigations in Earth Science, 7E_Edward J. Tarbuck,Frederick K. Lutgens,Dennis Tasa,Kenneth G. Pinzke (ISM) Applied Business Ethics A Skills-Based Approach, 1st Edition _ Dean Bredeson (IM) Applied Business Statistics Making Better Business Decisions, 7th Edition International Student Version_Ken Black (SM+TBRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagessolution was to have projects in his company’s portfolio based on both standards. Ellipsus built early prototypes of both systems and took them to a trade show, with both systems sitting side by side. â€Å"We knew within an hour which way to go,† says Douglas Davies, the COO. Ellipsus began securing million dollar contracts to supply its Java-based system to leading U.S. operators. * David Pringle, â€Å"How the U.S. Took the Wireless Lead Away from Europe,† The Wall Street Journal Europe, 20 February 2002

Friday, December 13, 2019

Descriptive Writing Free Essays

Though not very big, my home is a place where my heart is. My home is the most comfortable, warm and cozy place where I live with my family and spend most of the time in. Entering the east facing wood paneled front door of my home, I am welcomed by my pseudo German Shepherd. We will write a custom essay sample on Descriptive Writing or any similar topic only for you Order Now An off-white shoe cabinet in the foyer is neatly arranged with everyone’s shoes. In the foyer there is a gilded mirror which is placed above a half moon console table which is decorated with a bowl of colorful blooms and little round. Interior decoration being our forte, we still are thrilled to step into the living room and see our artistic touch. The tray ceiling designed with lights faces down on our Lorenzo leather armchair and divan sofa which we have saved hard to buy. Square shaped cushions quilted with floral designs are well arranged on the divan sofa. The polished wooden floor tiles, feels so cool under my feet. In front of the sofa, lays a Persian rug, a gift from my much travelled aunt on which the unique Kenshoma style coffee table lends a contemporary look. A collage of all my artwork from kindergarten to standard 6 takes pride of place above the flat screen Samsung TV. Across on the opposite wall is the window overlooking the park. As we enter the doorway on the west wall, we pass into a well lit hallway leading to the bedrooms one on the right and the other on the left, each with its own en suite. My sanctum sanctorum is on the left, with a pad of my very own in pastel colors of Nippon-Lemon Drop and Golden Buff. Against the south wall by the window is my four poster mahogany bed with Laura Ashley sheets and quilt. The parted Laura Ashley curtains open onto a balcony which is opposite my bed. From the balcony, I can see and hear the rippling sea rolling away to the horizon. On the far wall of my room is the bathroom on the left and almost a bare walk-in wardrobe on the right. My few but elegant clothes from Nicole MNJ, Soda and Padini hang in the closet. My two pairs of Jimmy Choo shoes sits forlorn at the bottom shelf. My Prada handbag, not original of course sits proudly on display by the floral upholstered chair next to the period-style dressing table and mirror. Incidentally my walk-in wardrobe has a connecting door to the bathroom. Now let me take you through my bathroom, my second best place of refuge, away from the heat. It is a small marvel of glass marble and modern fitting like rain shower. My toothbrush and toilet paper holders are from IKEA. My Johnson Suisse square vanity is above the off-white marble counter. Above the vanity, I have a dark wooden framed mirror which was given by my grandfather. On the counter, I have placed three scented candles on ornate candle stands of wrought iron which I bought from SSF, the home deco store. My room constantly smells of fresh lavender. It has soothing and calming effects on me, especially on days when I have tough assignments. Light floods this small cubicle from a frosted glass window and two white down lights from the ceiling. To me, my home is the most relaxing place to stay. Almost all of my tensions become extinct just when I place my first foot in my home. My home is a place where if I had a chance, I would not want to leave for awhile. Finally I would like to quote John Howard Payne’s 19th century song â€Å"Mid palaces and pleasures though we may roam. Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home. † (John Howard Payne, 1823) How to cite Descriptive Writing, Essays