Sunday, April 19, 2020

London has always been a multi... free essay sample

London has always been a multi-ethnic society. Due to the fact that London is a global city, there are thousands of people moving to London each year. There might be so many reasons for migration, such as fall in the birth rates of developing countries which, in time, causes a shortage on labour. In some developing countries human rights are not as respected as it is in London and in other European cities, and citizens do not have as much freedom. Nevertheless, we are used to seeing poverty and low incomes as well as high unemployment rates in developing countries. In this paper, I will be focusing on Muslim students who mostly second generation immigrants in London and discuss how integrated they are in the Western society of London. Where do you think Muslim migrants in London would on a scale from 1 to 10?Nowadays, we can quite often hear that someone is a British-Muslim, which is a very big step showing that the migrants have the feeling of belonging to the country they live in. We will write a custom essay sample on London has always been a multi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Muslims who classify themselves as British-Muslims are often born in the UK so they are usually either the second or the third generation who are the immigrant we will be discussing in this paper. Most of the time you can hear them saying that their first language is English and they are often not fluent in their mother tongues. The research that I will be talking about were attempted to young mostly second generation immigrant. A number of students who are Muslim and Christians about specific topics and compared them by using questionnaires as well as detailed interviews. It was found that the younger generation of Muslims who are in higher education are willing to integrate into the Western society as most of them grew up in this culture. It is found that young people clearly believe that the key to there future their education. This ideology is actually quite similar to the Western ideology and no major differences can easily be seen. Muslim parents often choose to send their children to single sexed Muslim schools, perhaps as they want them to get an education which reflects their culture. However, it is found that about 16 percent of Muslims either have never worked or are unemployed for a long time, where this number drops to only 3 percent on national scale. This clearly reflects that in terms of work force Muslims are more isolated and perhaps the employers have a prejudice against the Muslims; due to the fact that there is no physical difference that shows a Muslim cannot work as good as a citizen who has a different religious belief. Almost 6 percent of Muslim women are not allowed to work outside the home environment (this number is 4 percent for Christian women- which is not very far from each other). This shows that most Muslim women are allowed to work and have socio-economic rights and as well as a chance for integration. On the contrary, it is not really accepted for Muslim women to have any kind of desire to imitate women of the Western world. Islamic marriages are largely different to Christian marriages as polygamy is common and accepted in Islamic marriages yet it is generally not accepted in Christianity. According to the researches most Muslims are also against the idea of polygamy as much as Christians and there is no major clash of views in this sense. This clearly shows that there is a cohesion of ideas about marriage.

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